How to Learn English and Still Have Fun?

Yeah, these two activities can be combined very successfully. You just need a good independent approach to your learning and some motivation to adopt it.

If you are currently taking group or individual English classes, don’t hurry to give them up. You can definitely benefit from them along with using the tips you’ll find in this post. Although they are oriented mainly toward self-learning, you’ll find them quite usable even for learning the language with your friend, sibling, soulmate and parents.

When I read a book or write my essay in a foreign language, I naturally want to enjoy what I do. But also, I want to go beyond listening to English songs and chatting with native speakers.

It’s just great if you think so too. One can’t achieve the desired results if one isn’t satisfied with the very process of moving towards them. That’s why it is important to turn the learning into an enjoyable and fun thing.

Let’s check out what you can do. You’ll be eager to start today!

Off-Topic Advice #1: Decide Why You Need English

It’s not about setting goals yet. Everybody likes talking about them, but before you come up with a goal, at least you should realize why you need it.

Now think about the possible benefits. Do you plan to study abroad? Are you going to look for a job that requires a candidate to speak this language and write in it? Or, probably, your current job will get to be much easier and more pleasant if you improve your linguistic skills? (That is especially topical for guys involved in the spheres of IT or engineering).

Whatever the impetus is, you should be ready to account for the reason why you want to master this language. This will help you determine the best way to your success.

Watch Videos on YouTube

If you want to improve your listening skills, add some new words to your vocabulary, and have fun at the same time, you should opt for English sitcoms or stand-uppers’ performances. Look for the ones with subtitles, if you believe you need a little higher level to watch videos in English without them.

Also, you can search for more serious programs – something educational and scientific. Just follow the sphere of your interest.  

Follow the Celebrity You Like

Native English teachers recommend watching or reading interviews with a famous person whose achievements interest and inspire you. Think about this figure. Is he or she a wise politician, an eccentric artist, or a progressive entrepreneur? 

Try to find videos with subtitles, so it is easier for you to comprehend what your idol is talking about. Also, you can pick up interesting words and phrases he or she uses in speech. (Just make sure this isn’t profanity.)

Enjoy Your Favorite Movies in English

Bet you have favorite films that you can watch a hundred times without getting bored. Maybe you even know the lines of each character. Well, that’s a great reason to watch this movie in English! (If you aren’t very sure of your skills, then again, you can find a version with subtitles.)

Grab some pizza or popcorn to enjoy the whole process. But don’t forget to put a notebook beside you and write down interesting words or idioms you hear in the movie.

Choose Something Funny for Reading

Stay certain that one day you will be able to get through original works by Charles Dickens or all Harry Potter books. However, you’d better start with something more typical for everyday human life.

Yes, amusing memes or anecdotes would also be a good idea. But they are too short for you even if you are a beginner. And, let’s be honest, they aren’t very informative.

Online English learning sources can offer you various texts of different levels of complexity. But if you want something truly non-standard and compelling, choose funny real-life stories and don’t forget about blogs. Their authors tend to write in everyday English, so it will be easier for you to grasp such texts, hence upgrading your vocabulary and general reading skills. 

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