Essay on Student Psychology. Morning Before Exams. Part 2
Student Studying at Night

Positive Talking

Using positive affirmations can help you to reduce stress too, so the next tip is kind of related to affirmations.

If you ever feel really nervous before the exam, we have a hint for you: write some positive messages that are based on truth on flash cards – the things that will remind you about your capabilities. This way the exam will go well.

For example: “I know this subject well!”, “My teachers have prepared me well”, “I studied to the best of my abilities”, etc. After reading these phrases, you will understand that there is no need to stress out. It just gets you into the right mindset, so you are more likely to perform at your exams much better.

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Last-Minute Exam Tips

It is important to note that you should revise the topic throughout the year or the term before these exams and not just three weeks beforehand. You must do your weekly reports, and we strongly recommend that you use a special notebook to organize the material.

You can call it an “exam book”. It will help you structure your notes, so you can reduce everything down to a couple of pages, and it makes a really handy exam revision tool. The thing is that you must not put revision for the exam off until the last minute.

Not Prepared Well Enough: What to Do?

For some personal reasons you may be not completely prepared to your exams. Catch another tip: it is very important to focus on what your teacher talks about in class and give those topics the biggest attention when preparing for an exam.

Therefore, rather than trying to revise the whole unit guide and all of the subtopics in that course, we recommend that you focus on really important information: the crucial aspects of the subject, the material that is more likely to be examined on that test. All the details that may be mentioned in multi-choice questions or short-answer questions are good to revise too if you have a bit more time.

But if time is running out, then it is better to focus on the most vitally essential material.

Manage Stress

Practicing Deep Breathing

When you are in an exam and you find that you are feeling really anxious or even sick, there are a couple of things you can do, even if you are just about to start writing.

First of all, we recommend trying deep breathing: inhale and count up to four, make your exhalations longer than your inhalations. You can add movement to breathing as well, and it is going to help you be more confident and get all that mental chatter out of your head. I

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So, you should inhale and keep the track of time: just inhale while counting “one-two-three-four”, and then exhale the same way, counting “one-two-three-four”. Repeat one more time: “five-six-seven-eight” so that you inhale at four and exhale at eight. It will help you switch on your parasympathetic neuro system, which can calm your mind.

If you have already begun writing and working on your exam, but you feel like you are getting quite anxious, take a few minutes to stand up and go to the bathroom, splash some water in your face, have a sip of water, look in the mirror, and find the right mood, breathe deep, and then come back to the exam room.

You will be amazed that just distancing yourself from a stressful situation, even for a short period of time, brings the calmness you need, and clarity comes back. It can be applied for anything in life: if something makes you nervous, just leave for a while and go back. Then you will be able to tackle it, no matter what the task is.

Take It Easy

Of course, you should study very hard for your exams and take your studies seriously, your exams or tests are important, but they all are just a part of your academic journey, and they are just measures of assessment.

They still cannot be the evidence of how smart you are, how good you are, whether you are better or worse than anyone else in your class. They are primarily for you to assess how effectively you have learned, whether you need to make any changes to your study routine, and also for your teachers to know if they have been teaching the material effectively.

Therefore, they should not affect your level of confidence or influence on how you feel. They just help to evaluate how well you’ve studied a particular subject at certain time. If you do not complete what you hoped for, it simply means that you need to try a different approach. Sometimes it may take a little bit longer for some people to revise materials effectively, and it is the same with writing grades, essays, lab reports, etc.

So, simply do your best, enjoy the learning process, but your tests, exams or assessments should not affect how you see yourself, and other people cannot judge you too.

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