Essay on Birthday and Its Meaning in Human Life
Candles and Birthday Cake

No, we won’t talk about some astrological features or links between the exact time of your birth and certain pre-determined meanings. No. Instead we’ll talk more about simple laic implications of this day, and we’ll see that they are not devoid of depth.

By the way, if today or in the very near future you’re celebrating a birthday (yours or a birthday of your dearest and nearest), you can buy essay now and save your time for other home assignments and preparations for the occasion.

What Is a Birthday for You as an Adult?

As strange as it may seem, the topic of birthdays is relevant not only for children and their parents trying to arrange celebration for them in the best possible way, but for adults as well.

If you find it hard to agree with this statement, then the high probability is that you are either accustomed to celebrate in a determined way and you don’t have any desire to change it in the near future, or you are likely to consider a birthday as something unimportant at a certain age. Perhaps you don’t even care too much about it.

Or you may care about some of your jubilees at best. If you have just recognized yourself in these descriptions, then there is some bad news for you: of course, it’s incorrect to say that you celebrate birthdays in a wrong way (who owes a monopoly on correctness?), but at least there’s definitely something suspiciously contemptuous in your views about this matter. If it is so, it definitely needs some reflection.

And if you feel that your birthday is a good occasion to forget about your homework, you can actually allow it to happen! There’s always your personal pro essay writer who you can rely upon and ask for help.

How Was It When You Were a Child?

Do you remember how impatiently you were waiting for your next birthday and making plans well beforehand to make the most of it? Perhaps you had a bunch of friends (none of whom you encounter regularly nowadays) for whom your birthday was also a much-awaited occasion. How many memorable moments these holidays left!

And then, after a while (and now it’s even difficult to determine at what point in time exactly) something happened. Maybe it’s all about routine or an unpleasant memory, maybe it’s something else. But it turned out that you began to feel indifferent to nearly everything connected with your birthdays, or holidays in general.

Sometimes it may be of use to turn to childhood and examine what exactly made you feel that way. And after that you should try to look for something like that in your adult life. Yes, it may sound weird, but there are surely lots of methods to cultivate the curiosity of a child in you, and you definitely have to pay attention to them. Nothing is foredoomed, actually.

How to Reconcile the Two Conceptions of Celebration?

Of course, you won’t be looking passionately for balloons or candles in the nearest shops, but, as we’ve already put it above, you’ve got to think about your inner feelings of belonging to a certain special date. In fact, if we have a fair look at it, what on earth can be more important than your birthday? You don’t actually need to be a religious person or some kind of deep ontology-sensitive thinker to understand that all your meanings are played out on this day, everything you liked, hoped for, dreamt of or imagined is actualized here and now.

You’ve got to create your mood by yourself, whatever the attention to your very self on this day might be (some may suffer from lack of attention, and on this day there’s nothing more important than that, it seems), And you know different situations, included unpleasant ones, might occur. Easier said than done, of course. But as there’s often some truth lying behind a cliche, this case is seemingly not an exception.

As you see, a birthday is what you make out of it. If you are not ready to bring something new into each and every celebration, you are likely to suffer every time you see your birthday approaching, or even feel nothing at all. That may happen even if your birthdays are always about good pastime, not to mention the cases when you feel there’s been something wrong in celebrations for quite a while. It definitely means it’s high time to change something.

Whatever the case, if you resigned with such state of matter, it’s high time to radically change your standpoint for your own good. 

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