Challenge to Perfect Your Writing Skills
Quill Feather

The first advice towards refining your writing skills is to practice everyday. Indeed, you will never be able to write in a way that satisfies you without the appropriate practice. Many writers take up a range of challenges in order to deepen their skills, and they see the effects firsthand. Here are some special tips on writing challenges. By the way, you can always order an essay on the website .


Setting your goal is important for any endeavor. You could choose from a myriad of writing prompts. Word count challenges where you need to write a certain quantity of pages per day, special deadlines at the end of time periods, theme challenges that boost your creativity – you name it. Choose a challenge that suits you, aligns with the goal you pursue in your writing and does not wear you out too much. Set a realistic goal and focus on the task at hand. Follow your goal to the end.

Gold Medal


The main reason why people take challenges to pursue their long overdue ambitions is because challenges keep them motivated. A challenge is like a progress bar you can see, and seeing it complete and full is the goal you are looking for. That is an inspiration for many. Especially when it comes to writing. If you follow through, you will have a finished piece of work that you could edit and publish or give to a trusted reader. Quitting a challenge midway would be harder, as you clearly see all the progress you made this far.

Efficient Time Usage

Challenges boost your time organizing skills. Keeping in mind that you are to produce a set number of words per day, your evenings will not be spent online watching cat videos anymore. Focusing on the valuable time will become your priority, and you are bound to spend it much more fruitfully.


There exist special challenges for a pair of friends or for a group, prompting each other and tracking each other’s progress. They are useful if you do not trust yourself with committing to your goal and climbing to the top of a mountain, or with reaching your limits on time in form of deadlines. With a friend you can test your skills as an editor and analyze the style of work that appeals to you. It will come in handy when you need to make some conclusions regarding the type of writing and what perfect writing style should be like in your eyes. It could be useful if you are practicing your skills for academic purposes too, as looking at a work from the perspective of the one who evaluates makes you understand your teacher’s criteria better. Not to mention that analyzing another person’s mistakes will improve your writing as well.


At the same time, if you practice a joined challenge, you could also receive feedback for your work. A fresh pair of eyes will be able to discover mistakes that you would not have noticed in a million years. It would be ideal to find multiple readers, but even the one who is engaged with your work is enough to make a difference and to show you both the mistakes and good points of your writing.

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