Nowadays a pretty small number of people writes briefs and sends them via mail, but the rules of their arrangement were the basis on which today's e-mails stand. Depending on the situation, there exist different templates for electronic letters. Let’s talk a little bit about those templates. And if you are concerned about homework, then you can always entrust it to specialists from Essayspark.com.
The Structure of a Letter
For a letter to be understandable, it must have a distinct structure:
- Traditionally a letter begins with the form of address. From a new line, you may write a short introduction. It can be whether your mentions from previous letters and contacts or a short explanation of the reason for your writing. Then comes the main part of the letter which may include certain paragraphs. In the last paragraph, an author should make a conclusion, it means you ask a question or suggest an appointment. Commonly the letter finishes with some template phrases. After an ending phrase, there must be a signature. It is either your name and signature or your contact information (your rank, phone number etc.).
Here are certain examples of every part of a letter for each kind of situation: official, unofficial and half-official.
1. The Form of Address
The form of address at the beginning of a letter depends on your relationship with a person you're writing to.
Official Situation
If you don't know a name of addressee: Dear Sir; Dear Madam; Dear Sir or Madam.
If you know a name: Dear Mr/Ms/Mrs Smith; Dear Dr Smith (put the title if the addressee has one, for example, Professor, Governor, captain and so on).; Dear John Smith;
Dear John/Ann
Hi John! Hello Ann! Hi/Hello! John/Ann!
2. Introduction
I would like to apologize for…
This letter is a reply to your letter of (date) regarding…
I am writing to ask for some information…
It was great to get your letter….
Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you.
I was really pleased to hear that…
Thanks for your letter.
I hope you’re well.
Sorry it’s taken me so long to write.
3. Ending
If you need any other details, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Hope to hear from you soon.
I am looking forward to seeing you.
Please let me know when you will be available.
Take care!
Write back soon!
See you soon!
4. Signature
Yours faithfully,
Yours sincerely,
Best regards,
Best wishes,
All the best,
Certain Pieces of Advice
- The theme of a letter should be short and clear.
- The name of your email should be a variation of your name and surname, avoid writing any nicknames.
- Do not use any abridgments like don't, we'll, won't, we're. They should be written in full size.
- Use opening remarks such as First of all; However; Therefore.
- Don't use slang.