Outstanding Presentation: How to Make it in 7 Steps?

Speak in Public

Which presentation may be called outstanding? The one that changes people. What makes people change? The truth. You will be able to carry away your audience only with a help of the truth. Now you know about the most important ingredient of any speech or performance. After that, just ask yourself only seven questions:

Number 1. How Do I Want to Influence an Audience?

Depending on the answer you should choose one of four types of presentation. Here they are, the presentations that:

  1. Change the level of knowledge of an audience. For example, a review of the works for a project, periodic meetings of team members.
  2. Change the possibilities of an audience. For example, scientific work, a lecture at the university or a cooking show.
  3. Change the actions of an audience. For example, a job interview, a commercial offer.
  4. Change beliefs of an audience. For example, preaching, parting words.

Number 2. What am I Going to Tell?

The clear narrative is always the basis of a good presentation, and hundred percent of all presentations can be made using one of these narratives:

  1. A report: states the facts.
  2. An explanation: suggests new ideas and possibilities.
  3. A suggestion: recommends new ways and decisions.
  4. A drama: inspires with a new conviction and unordinary worldview.

Number 3: How to Build a Narration?

The clear narrative is a living, breathing creation, which can move your idea from the start to the end. It has its core, which directs the presentation to go only straight and forward. These stories support and make your presentation more detailed and colorful.

The form of the narrative: we start with the main idea, create the pivot of the main narrative, put details into this pivot and then finish the work with the last final turn.

Number 4. Which Mistakes Should I Avoid?

During the presentation, we should avoid one flaw.

Remember: one slide – one idea. The best way to ruin the impression of an audience and to make them be bored is to tell in one slide about several ideas. The ideal slide consists of a heading, a picture, some short text and nothing else. If the idea is too complicated, then use several slides to explain it.

Number 5: How to Illustrate a Story?

A new investigation has shown that it takes one third or a half of the whole brain activity to process the visual information. As a matter of fact, we are like walking and talking machines that process visual images. As soon as something interesting appears in front of our view, our brain can concentrate on these objects as much as it wants.

Process of Visualization

Number 6: Can I Speak in Public?

The answer: do not even doubt it! You will be able to if you prepare in advance. Your preparation should look like this:

  1. Find a room, which is similar to the one where you are planning to have a speech.
  2. Adjust audio-, video- and other stuff which you are going to use during the presentation.
  3. Step on to the "stage". Take a look at the absent audience.
  4. Tell the whole speech, word after word, picture after picture.
  5. Repeat.

Number 7: How to Behave at the Time of Speech?

Find your style. Someone looks funny. Others look more serious. Some people are used to do everything quickly. Some are shy and silent. The closer you are to your true state, the more outstanding your presentation will be.

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