Be Free
Go into your new life free of guilt, bitterness, and unforgiveness, it is essential for having a fresh mind and just being happy and successful. If you remember all insults and forget nothing, you will not succeed. If you harbor bad feelings and negative thoughts, or your own guilty conscience, or you cannot forgive yourself for something you did, you have to take this time to let go of all that.
If you feel bitter, you will treat people the same way. But if you let go of these things, you will have a clear mind, and you will be able to focus on what you need, not your past, not someone who hurt you. Do not hold on to those things, make it a clear new beginning just to be positive, forgiving and loving.
Change Your Character
If you are trying to establish a good relationship and be happy, that is a great long-term goal to set. But for achieving that, you should work on your personality first, work on your character, that can be your short-term goals. Develop a habit of discipline. Do everything in advance. If you need academic help, do not hesitate to contact writers from essayspark.com.
If you are not happy with your life and yourself, if you are not confident and you do not love yourself, your relationships will never be happy. Inevitably, you will simply continue to look for this person, someone to fill what you lack inside. So, think about what you can do to improve yourself, to build your confidence, to help your character, to fight weaknesses, because we all have them, we all have things that we have to work on constantly.
Many of us believe that we should not try to make corrections to our character, that it is formed and is not subject to change. Thus, they justify their shortcomings and even bad actions towards others. But the character is not some abstract concept, which you hang the blame on and stay away. It is you, you are inseparable with it, and you yourself are to blame for everything that you do. Of course, individual traits of your nature really cannot be changed, but this is only a small part at the genetic level. All the rest is your personal choice. So, make the right one.
Work on Your Relationship

And if you are already in a relationship, instead of trying to achieve a long-term goal to fix or change the situation or person, set a short-term goal to work on yourself in that relationship. Often, we do not really take a look at ourselves, we tend to blame another person and change or manipulate the partner. You should better work on your personality and just be confident that you do all that you can do.
If you are faced with some problem, analyze it as if from the outside. This can be difficult, especially if you are an emotional person and initially realize that you are not guilty for anything. Understand that if every person thinks so, then no conflict will be resolved. Someone should be able to abstract or at least try to do it.
Academic Success
It is the same about study: set short-term goals to work on your character, do little things that lead you to success, be positive, don’t be late for class, ask your professors some questions, be personable, and in general, do everything possible to improve your character so that in the long run you will become a successful student you want to be. If necessary, do not forget to contact professional writers about help.
Take out the Toxic Things

Stay away from anything toxic, any bad relationship. This way you will keep your mind positive and your conscience clear. You will be able to focus on making your life better, improving your studies and relationships. You will also have time for people who are helpful to you, who value you and your time.
Keep Your Physical Space Clear
Get rid of things that clutter your life, things that are useless in your house because having a clear space leads to having a clear mind. It is very important to do it every time you feel sad, lazy, or when you procrastinate to change the environment around you and make the first step to life without worries and unnecessary things.
It is difficult to understand, but physical accumulation of things leads to emergence of a large number of extraneous thoughts that do not contribute to your progress towards the goal. This relation isn’t researched much, but it is obvious. Many specialists in psychology give a lot of examples when free space around a person clears the way for her further activity in life.
Do Not Give Up

You may not fulfill all goals that you set. It is just life, and sometimes it might seem like a big failure for you, which is discouraging and makes you want to give up. But no matter what, you have to keep pushing yourself, continue to work and remain motivated.
To do that, we recommend you creating a vision board, where you will visualize your main goals, and put it in your room, where you will be able to see it every day to know what you work hard for. Without a clear vision it is difficult to remain in a hardworking and motivated mood.
So, we hope that our advice will help you. Good luck!